News and History

info Twitter stopped being accessible to the public. I am moving to using an email newsletter and a news blog. If you are a registered twitter user, you can still access my old updates at

Recent News

  • File Provisioning made easy (2024-05-19):

    There is a new video tutorial and documentation about a long hidden power feature for developers, data scientists, and nerds: plain text file sharing for scripts and command lines at the click of a button.

  • PDF export! (2024-05-15):

    Just added PDF export: go to a note’s download panel [Alt-D] and choose one of the PDF options. Let me know what you think!

  • Language Setting (2024-05-02):

    You can now choose your language manually in your account settings: English, Français, Deutsch, Español, bahasa Indonesia, Filipino, Русский, Türkçe, नहीं, Italiano

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    These are all news items before 2014-12-18:

    2014-12-09: continues to grow with all of us. Today, a subtle layout improvement was rolled out, and a few days ago, we fixed a difficult bug. Difficult in the sense that it only appeared on high concurrent users. We are now ready for a lot more users than we are today! Enjoy!

    2014-09-11: I am in awe of the enthusiasm of you all, the users. We added Persian to the growing number of languages at – Thank you Mahdi for the translation! update overhauled with site redesign. Contact me here if you would like to contribute a new Persian translation!

    2014-07-31: The very cool Balto Speed Reading App for Android has integrated support! You can now paste text you want to speed read to any of your notes, open it on your Android device, and share the page to Balto. Thanks Ivan!

    2014-07-11: The most requested feature is here: your password is now hidden when you enter it. update moved to

    2014-07-02: We added Hebrew to the growing number of languages at – Thank you Adler for the translation! update overhauled with site redesign. Contact me here if you would like to contribute a new Hebrew translation!

    2014-07-01: The user interface has been improved. Mobile devices should behave better now, and new visitors will get a clearer introduction.

    2014-06-26: We finally added Filipino to the one and only – for the huge number of users from the Philippines. Interestingly, you dear friends from that beautiful island make up a big proportion of users – so this localization really is long overdue. An equally huge thank you goes to Danielle for the translation! update overhauled with site redesign. Contact me here if you would like to contribute a new Filipino translation!

    2014-06-24: Disposable notes are joined by disposable email! You may use any email address and look up incoming email at Example: enter the email address in an online form, then go to to retrieve incoming messages. All terms and conditions of apply for this feature. update This was disabled in the meantime. No one used it. Contact me here if you would like to use this feature!

    2014-04-18: We added French to the growing number of languages at – Merci Laurent! update overhauled with site redesign. Contact me here if you would like to contribute a new French translation!

    2014-04-07: We upgraded to the cloudFlare content delivery network (CDN) to speed up your experience around the globe. Let’s see how that works – let me know if you feel any difference. update This ended up being a big nuisance. The overall performance was sharply degraded with CloudFlare.

    2014-03-17: Here’s a neat trick for you if you need a timestamp in your notes: drag and drop the following link into your bookmarks toolbar. When you are in your note, just hit the link to insert the current timestamp. You can tweak the inserted text by changing the myValue variable inside the bookmarklet code:

    2014-02-13: (This is a long day for…) Finally, the social sharing and support buttons are back at – go on: share your love on twitter and facebook or support this work through paypal or flattr.

    2014-02-13: Download text file: A text version of the current note can be downloaded either through the “v=tx” URL parameter (example:, or through “do more” and “download text”.

    2014-02-13: Note-taking bookmarklet: There is a new option under “do more”: “get bookmarklet”. It will give you a bookmarklet to add web snippets to the current note. Use the following bookmarklet to add snippets to any note: save to shrib

    2014-02-12: Custom styles: You can now change the colors and font size for with URL parameters:

    • All colors must be 6-character hexadecimal color codes. Example: “ff0000” for red, “00ff00” for green etc. You can always use a color picker to find your color codes.
    • Styling the note input area:
      • “f” for font size in pixels (a number between 6 and 99),
      • “c” for the font color,
      • “b” for the background color
    • Styling the bar with the save and advanced feature buttons:
      • “bc” for the font color,
      • “bb” for the background color
    • Example:
    • Note that the settings only last until the next reload of the page.

    2014-02-10: Rolling out Auto-save. The feature is being rolled out to all users over the next few days:

    • If you don’t lock your notes, they are saved continuously as you type!
    • If you do lock your notes, they are not saved continuously, but the password is stored for the session. This way, you don’t have to enter the password over and over again. update moved to

    2014-02-10: Arabic translationcheck it out!! Dear arabic-speaking users: you can now use in your own language – and in the right direction… Please report any typos and errors! A big thank you goes to Ammar for the translations. update overhauled with site redesign. Contact me here if you would like to contribute a new Arabic translation!

    2013-12-21: There is a new rescue process in place for all those who lose their notes.

    2013-10-16: The migration has been executed.

    2013-09-21: There are issues with the server and a migration is planned. Your data is backed up regularly and won’t be lost. If the site is offline, it will come back shortly – along with the last saved data.

    2013-08-03: This news feed is started

    2013-08-02: The Portuguese version of is released – check it out! Thanks go to Carlos Eduardo for his enthusiasm and translation! Please report corrections! update overhauled with site redesign. Contact me here if you would like to contribute a new Portuguese translation!

    2013-08-02: The bidvertiser ads at the bottom of the page are gone. They looked intimidating and ugly, and they are a rip-off – there was no way could I finance the maintenance and further development of on that basis.

    2013-08-02: The UI is improved: the save button and the title bar make it obvious when there are unsaved changes

    … several re-incarnations, steadily improving: leaner, faster, better…

    2007-11-03: Client-side encryption is added to update moved to

    2007-04-04: My first email mentioning my personal note taking app to someone else…

    2007-03-17: is registered. “schrib” is the swiss german word for “write”…