Safe place for your private notes

Keep It Personal with Fortifying Private Notes with Local Encryption

The digital age has engendered an era of sharing, where information flies around the vast universe of the internet. Yet, amid this chatter, the desire to own spaces for private contemplation and secure record-keeping has never waned;, with its passion for privacy and dedication to your digital security, steps into this arena with an attractive feature for its PRO users: Local encryption of your private notes.

A familiar face in the realm of note-taking web applications, has embedded features in its platform that caters to your innate right to privacy; Personal notes, secret thoughts, confidential business plans, or family recipes that need to be handed down through generations – they all seamlessly fit within the secure walls of

Unlock the Lock to Your Private Notes

If you are a shrib PRO user, you get the chance to lock your notes individually, securing access through a personalized password. Without this key, your private notes remain encrypted and unreadable, ensuring that even if someone somehow accessed them, they won’t be able to decipher the content. If you forget the password, unfortunately, there’s no going back; this feature’s infallibility lies in its irreversible nature.

Your Private Notes are Secure Both Online and Offline

Your encrypted notes synchronize to the cloud, safely stored and ready for retrieval on any device. Although there might be a slight delay – a small sacrifice at the altar of security – rest assured, your notes are safely saved, encrypted according to the AES standard, through your browser’s Crypto Web API. When going offline, a zip archive backup stores your encrypted files, rendering you independent of the site, the Internet, or civilization for that matter.

The Intricacies of the Lock

Setting the password is a simple process, but choosing it wisely is essential. As with all authentication measures, the simpler your password, the easier it is for someone else to guess. To manage and maintain your private notes’ safety effectively, it’s advised to invest some thought into creating a complex, yet memorable password.

With the password set and stored securely in your browser’s session memory (RAM), your private notes are off the grid, their existence unknown to even’s cloud storage. This truly private nature lives up to the promise of keeping your private notes genuinely private.

The Dialect of Encryption

Technology is a delightful servant but can be a harsh master. Despite’s meticulous approach to your privacy and security, if you ever discover a hiccup in the system or a perceivable threat, your reach out is not just valued but immensely appreciated. Your feedback keeps the servers a step ahead and your private notes secure.

In this vast information highway, presents an alcove for personal, intimate sulking or secure, professional data keeping. With this feature to locally encrypt your data, PRO users can take a breather and relax, knowing that their private notes are indeed private – an ensemble of words, thoughts and ideas safe within the confines of top-class encryption.